South Lake Leisure Centre

The South Lake Leisure Centre scheme will be located off Lake Road in the heart of Craigavon town centre.

The scheme has recently been approved and construction work will begin on this scheme in early 2018. The new leisure centre will replace 3 aging leisure centres in the greater Portadown, Lurgan and Craigavon areas and the facility will provide improved Watersports amenity.
The development will include a state of the art 50m swimming pool, leisure pool and large sports areas totalling. The total GFA will be 14,595m²

The overall capital expenditure for the South Lake Leisure Centre development is in the region of £30m.

SW Consultancy Input
Our role in this scheme as the Transport Engineer was to address all transport and parking relating issues. SW Consultancy prepared the Transport chapter of the Environmental Assessment. We worked in a team environment led by McAdam Design. Key considerations included the car parking assessment, liaison with stakeholders, junction modelling and sensitivity testing. Agreement was reached with Transport NI and Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and approval was granted in December 2017.